Do you want to delete your steam account permanently? If you are sure that you will not return and want to remove all data, then this post will help you to do this. Before that, let me talk a little bit about steam.
Steam is a computer video gaming website that lets you purchase video games After you create an account on it, It lets you download video games directly on your PC.
If you feel like deleting the account for any particular reason, you must know that no games downloaded through the website will be working anymore.
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A steam account lets you access multiple user accounts from a single computer. However, you need to make sure that the other account is logged in only when the previous one has been logged out.
Use your steam account on a random machine and get connected to the steam network then and there. Doing this shall allow you to install the registered game to your account right after you log in.
The only problem with a steam account is that multiple players cannot use the same account simultaneously, it makes sense. The user who has been logged in first shall be allowed to use the account. The rest of the users shall get a popup containing invalid steam user ID.
Steps To Delete Your Steam Account
There is no way to delete your steam account by yourself. To delete your account, you have to contact the steam support team.
So, If you want to delete your steam account permanently then you have to send a request to the steam support team. Click here to submit the account deletion request. A form will be open (See below image). Now fill-up the form and then click on the send button. That’s it…
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How it works…
Step 1: At first, You have to verify the account ownership. Here is the guide for proof of ownership.
Step 2: After that, you will get a response from the steam support team to confirm your details that you provide.
Step 3: If your all information is correct then the support team will lock your account for 30 days. After 30 days your account will be deleted permanently.
Steam Account Deletion Form

Steps to follow if you don’t want to permanently delete a steam account:
Method 1 –
The easiest way to temporarily remove your steam account is by uninstalling the program from your laptop or personal computer. Simply log out your account by visiting the homepage on your PC or laptop. Select the start button and choose control panel option on it. Remove your program from add and remove program option.
Method 2 –
Another method to remove the steam account from your computer is by selecting the steam link and then changing it. to do so you need to choose automatic and then press on next option. Press Finish for completely uninstalling the steam account.
Another way to deactivate the account is by not using it for a long time. By doing so you are automatically going to cancel the request and then later on it will get automatically deleted. The best is to stop using the games so that your account is found obsolete and it gets deactivated by the company itself.
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